Indoor Swimming Pool

The Indoor Swimming Pool is equipped with a 25m long pool, a 25x25 m diving pool, a small pool for teaching purposes and 1,500 seats for spectators. It is also equipped with classrooms, a gym, infirmary and other auxiliary facilities in order to allow students to be fully trained while also hosting sport events.

Swimming Pool
Diving Pool
The interior of the
Swimming Pool
Swimmers can be monitored while actually in the pool


The Stadium is located next to the Swimming Pool complex and is equipped with a football pitch covered with turf, a 400 m long 8- lane track covered with a synthetic material and seating for 2,000 people.

new building
New Sporting Facilities
Football Pitch
Athletics Track Pitch

Indoor hall

The new indoor hall opened in 2002. It is equipped with basketball, volleyball, handball and badminton courts as well as weightlifting, wrestling, judo, aerobics and martial arts halls and can seat up to 2,500 spectators.

new gymnasium
New indoor hall
  gymnasium in
Indoor Hall Court
Wrestling Hall

Central complex

From the academic year 2007-08 the Department has moved to its new buildings (~15,000 mΗ) located next to the new sporting facilities on Campus (Department of Physical Education and Sport Science Block ~198,000 mΗ). The new building has 6 classrooms, 2 amphitheatres, cutting edge laboratory facilities, as well as offices for teaching staff and the Secretariat. In addition, the adjacent buildings will contain the Rehabilitation Centre (512 mΗ) and the Departmental Library (1,008 mΗ) with an additional reading room for people with special needs, book store room, and computer lab.

admin building
New facilities of the D.P.E.S.S.
  new library
Library Building
Rehabilitation Building

Latest News

Posted on 08/06/2022, 18:54 by admin
The innovative research and educational effort of our Department on the important subject of Physical Activity and Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adults continues through our participation in the European ERASMUS+...
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