Personal Page of Laios Athanasios
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- Last Updated: Tuesday, 23 July 2019 06:45
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Πλήρες όνομα: | Λάιος Αθανάσιος |
Τίτλος: | Καθηγητής | |
Τομέας εξειδίκευσης: | Ειδική Θεωρία Εκπαίδευσης για την Προπόνηση Καλαθοσφαίρισης | |
Τομέας: | Διαχείριση Αθλητισμού - Φυσική Αγωγή στα Σχολεία - Αναψυχή | |
Εργαστήριο: | ||
Τηλέφωνο: | +30 2310 673718 | |
Διεύθυνση Email: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
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Γραφείο: | Β3-1 | |
Ώρες μαθητών ακρόασης: | Τετ: -, Τετ: - |
Διδακτικά μαθήματα
Εξάμηνο πτώσης:
-N 401 Basketball
N 113 Basketball
Εαρινό εξάμηνο:
-N 402 Basketball
N 123 Basketball
N 126 Sport Management
Ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα
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Σύντομο βιογραφικό σημείωμα
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Ερευνητική εμπειρία:
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Ερευνητικές δραστηριότητες:
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- Laiος, Α. (1994). School-non-school sports. Structure, organization and function in USA, Europe and Greece. International Journal of Educational Management, England, Volume 8, no 5, page 4-9.
- Laiος, Α. (1994). The administrative responsibilities of the coach. International Journal of Educational Management, England, vol. 8, no 5, page 4-9.
- Laios A. (1995). The # 5 offense: All Greek to the opponents. Scholastic Coach, page 20, volume October, Vol. 65, No 3, USA.
- Laios, A. (1998). Beating man pressure, Scholastic Coach, page 22-23, Vol. 67, no. 8.
- Laios A. (1998). School sport in Greece. Problems and proposals for upgrade, International Journal of Physical Education, volume XXXV, issue 3, Germany.
- Laios A. (1998). The organization stracture of professional basketball in Greece, Coaching and Sport Science Journal, volume 3, number 2, pp. 31-33.
- Tzetzis G., Kioumourtzoglou E., Laios A., & Stergiou N. (1999). The effect of different feedback models on acquisition and retention of technique in basketball, Journal of Human Movement, USA, volume 37, pages 163-181.
- Laios A. (2000). Beating man pressure from 1-4 high post offense, Scholastic Coach and Athletic Director, volume 70, no. 1, page 36-44
- LaiosA. KaripidesA. TheodorakisN. & Hong-jie Zhang (2000).The Analyse Training Content before match in Greece Professional Basketball, Journal of P.E. Institute of Sanxi Teachers University, pp. 45-48.
- Laios A. Beating Man Pressure from 1-4 High Post Offense, Scholastic Coach & Athletic Director, volume 70, no. 1, USA, p.p. 36-44.
- ΤheodorakisN. KambitsisC. LaiosA. & KousteliosA. (2001).Relationship between measures of quality service and satisfaction of spectators in professional sports, Managing Service Quality, volume 11, number 6, p.p. 431-439.MCB, England
- LaiosA. Communication in Greek sports sciences, Corporate Communications. An International Journal, volume 6, number 2, p.p. 102-106, MCB, England.
- Laios A. Basketball Skill Test for Young, The British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, volume 32, number 3, p.p.16-18, MCB, England.
- Laios A. Athanailidis I. Unierzyski P. & Theodorakis N. (2001). The contribution of the science of management to coaching, Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, volume 8, p.p.149-156, Poland.
- Laios A. Athanailidis I. Unierzyski P. & Theodorakis N. (2001). The Importance of Communication Skills in Coaching young athletes, Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, volume 8, p.p.139-147, Poland.
- Laios A. & Athanailides I. (2001).Developing Basketball Skills of Young Student-Players by Running a Special ‘Decathlon” Competition Test, International Journal of Physical Education, Germany, volume XXXVIII, issue 2, pp. 85-88
- Laios A. Theodorakis N. & Martinidis K. (2002). Structure, organization and function of the Greek Centers for the care of Senior Citizens, World Leisure, volume 44, number 2, p.p. 42-46, Australia.
- Laios A. (2002). Basketball in the secondary education in Greece. Structure, organization and function, Coaching and Sport Science, volume 4, mo. 1, pages 29-31, Italy.
- Athanailidis I. Laios A. Mavromatis G & Tsamourtzis E. (2002).Competitive characteristics of tennis coaches in Greece, Coaching & Sport Science, volume 4, number 1, p.p. 17-21, Italy.
- Laios A. & Theodorakis N. (2002).The pre-season training of professional basketball teams in Greece, International Sports Journal, University of New Haven, USA, volume 6, number 1, p.p. 146-152.
- Laios A. Gargalianos D. & Theodorakis N. (2003).The effective use of power and leadership in coaching, International Sports Journal, University of New Haven, USA, volume 7, number 1, p.p. 150-154.
- Laios A, Mavrides G. & Karipides A. (2003).Structure, organization and function of Professional sports in Greece, Journal of Today, Cyprus, volume 2, p.p. 175-182.
- Laios A. Τheodorakis N. & Gargalianos D. (2003).The Importance of Internal and External Motivation factors in Physical Education and Sport, International Journal of Physical Education, Germany, volume XL, issue 1, pp. 21-26.
- Mavrides G., Pilippou A., Laios A., Rokka S., Bousiou K., Mavrides K., & Varsami D. (2005). The effect of a health-related aerobic dance programme in the physical abilities of boys and girls of age 6 and 7 years. The Cyprus Journal of Sciences, volume 3, p.p. 33-45.
- Laios A. (2005). Communication problems in professional sports: the case of Greece, Corporate Communications an International Journal, volume 10, no. 3, pages 252-256, England.
- Laios A. The educational system of training Coaches in Greece, The International journal of Educational Management, UK, volume 47, number 6, p.p. 500-504.
- Laios A. & Tzetzis G. (2005). Styles of Managing Team Conflict in Professional Sports: The case of Greece, Management Research News, volume 28, number 6, p.p.36-41.
- Kioumourtzoglou E., & Laios A. (2005). Olympic Education Programme in Greece at Primary and Secondary Schools in light of the 2004 Olympic Games, The British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, volume 36, number 1, p.p.13-14, England.
- GoulumarisD., Philippou P., Serbezis V., Laios A. , Nenti M. (2009). The postgraduate studies of dance in Greece: Organization and Function, The Cyprus Journal of Science, volume 7, pp. 1-12
- KoutroumanidesC., LaiosA. (2010). The selling mechanism of the television rights in the greek professional football: The greek professional soccer clubs higher management approach, United States Sports Academy, volume 13, no. 3, 1-14, USA.
- Plainos C., Patsiaouras A., Ispirlidis I., Laios A., Taxildaris K., Mavromatis G. Comparison of two different training methods for improving dribbling and kicking skills of young football players.
- KoutroumanidesC., LaiosA. (2010) Who owns TV rights of the games of the greek professional football: The greek professional soccer clubs higher management approach, Gymnaium Journal of Physical Education and Sport, University of Bakau, Romania, no 1, year XI.
- Thamnopoulos I., Tzetzis G, Laios A. (2012). The impact of service quality and satisfaction on customers; future intentions, in the sport spectators; context. The case of Greek professional football. United States Sports Academy
- Laios A. Kostopoulos N, Tzetzis G, Dagres G, Dagres T. (2013). The sources of conflict in professional basketball teams. The case of Greece. International Journal of Scientific Research, isuue 12, volume 2, pp. 296-298.
- Jovanovic J., Athanailidis I., Laios A., Alexopoulos P., (2014). The organizational and functional performance in sports relating to the financial resources. The case of Serbia. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Volume 15, pp. 39-45.
- Zorzou A., Zorzou J., Laios A., Bebetsos E., Kobodietas D., Apostolidis N. (2014). Motivations, attitudes and behavioral intentions of soccer games spectators. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Volume 14(4), pp. 507-513.
- Mavvidis A., Manousaridou A., Grivas N., Evagelidis T., Laios A (2014). The effectiveness of servis in tennis depending on the placement of palm across the racket grip inwards or outwards. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Volume 14(4), pp. 576-580.
- Laios A., Alexopoulos P. (2014). The sources of conflict in professional basketball teams. The case of Greece. Procedia-Social and behavioral Sciences. 152, pp. 343-347.
- Jovanovic J., Athanailidis I., Laios A., Alexopoulos P., (2014). External environment and organizational performance in the sport in countries in transition. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. Volume 14(3), pp. 382-385.
- Alatzoglou A., Athanailidis I., Laios A., Zaggelidis G. (2014). Variation of perceptions of teachers on administrative ability of the principal-teacher of P.E. according to their demographical characteristics. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 14(2), pp. 254-259.
- Alatzoglou A., Athanailidis I., Laios A., Zaggelidis G. (2014). Variation of perceptions of teachers on administrative ability of the principal-teacher of P.E. according to their age, teaching experience and specialty of the teachers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 14(3), pp. 365-370.
- Laios A., Kostopoulos N., Kostopoulos P., Alexopoulos P., Karvoulaki L. (2014). The indispensability of sport management in the P.E. Departments in Greece. International Journal of Scientific Research, issue 1, volume 3, pp. 117-120.
- Avourdiadou S., Laios A., Kosta G.(2014). Service quality in Municipal sport programs. How the implementation of an intervention program shapes participant’s loyalty. International Journal of Scientific Research, issue 1, volume 3, pp. 456-459.
- Alazoglou A., Athanailidis I., Laios A. (2014). Differences in management capacity between PET-Principals in junior and senior high schools. International Journal of Scientific Research, isuue 1, volume 3, pp. 117-119.
- Kazilas H., Athanailidis I., Prios M., Laios A., Bebetsos E. (2014). The effect of athletic identity on social behavior and aggression in school basketball games. International Journal of Scientific Research, issue 2, volume 11, pp. 219-221.
- Athanailidis I., Laios A., Zaggelidis G. (2015). The educational system of coaching schools in tennis. The case of Greece. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 15(2), pp. 208-211.
- Athanailidis I., Laios A., Arvanitidou V., Mourtzios C., Zaggelidis g. (2016). Self-assessment of tennis coaches relating to athletes, parents and their educational level. The case of Greece. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 16(3), pp. 901-904.
- Kazilas H., Athanailidis I., Bebetsos E., Laios A. (2016). The effect of task and ego orientation to athletic identity and anti social behavior of students and athletes. Journal of Human sport & Exercise, issue 1, volume 3, pp. 311-319.
- Laios A., Kioumourtzoglou E., Alexopoulos P., Kostopoulos N. (2016). Evaluating and managing the factors which affect the cohesiveness of professional basketball teams in Greece. European Scientific Journal. pp 209- 215.
- Ziagkas E., Mavvidis A., Grouios G., Laios A. (2017). Investigating the role of ipsilateral and contra lateral eye-hand dominance in tennis serve accuracy of amateur tennis players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport.
- Alatzoglou A., Athanailidis I., Laios A., Derri V. (2017). The managerial capacity of P.E. teachers-principals. The case of Greece. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 12(3), pp. 742-752.
- Deligiannidou T., Athanailidis I., Laios A., Stafyla A., (2019). Variation of perception of Physical Education teachers on the principal’s level of effectiveness according to their age, gender, years of service in the same school and stage of service. JournalPhysicalEducationandSport. Volume 19, pp. 134-142.
- Gaitanidou, A., Laios, A., Derri, V. & Bebetsos, E. (2019). The Role of Gender And Personality In The Implementation Of Transformational Leadership, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 10, Issue, 12, pp. 302-306.