Personal Page of Filippou Filippos
- Details
- Last Updated: Monday, 25 July 2022 21:30
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Full Name: | Filippou Filippos |
Title: | Professor | |
Area of expertise: | Physical Education with an emphasis on Greek Traditional Dance | |
Sector: | Sports Management - Physical Education in Schools - Recreation | |
Laboratory: | - | |
Telephone: | +30 25310 39672 | |
E-mail: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
URL: | - | |
Office: | Β2-12 | |
Hours of listening students: | Tue: 12.00-14.00, Wed: 09.00-11.00 |
Teaching subjects
Fall semester:
-N135 Introduction to traditional dance
Spring semester:N042 Greek traditional Dance; N323 Dance as Physical Activity; N575 Traditional Dance on stage
Research interests
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Brief curriculum vitae
1981 Gratuate from National Academy Physical Edication
1991-93 Diplôme Études Aprofondie (DEA): École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Spécialité Anthropologie Sociale et Ethnologie, mémoire : «La danse traditionnelle comme phénomène sociale dans la région d'Aridea –Orma ».
1997-2002 Doctoral Studies: "Contributors of traditional dance performances in contemporary Greek reality: The case of the Prefecture of Imathia". DPESS/DUTH
Research experience:
Masters: Supervisor
1. Ntina A.(2017). Exploring the Effect of Greek Traditional Dance on elementary school pupils age with speech disorders
2. Masadis Gr. (2017). Development of social skills of D, E and final year primary school graders through Greek traditional dances learning
3. Kouderi V. (2017). The contribution of Greek traditional dances to the development of autistic students’ social interaction.
4. Sivvas G. (2017). Greek traditional dances, quality of life and fatigue of women survived by breast cancer
5. Kagianni St. (2016). Traditional Greek dance’s teaching: Development of social skills in high school students and learning
6. Arapitsa V. (2014). The influence of an interdisciplinary dance program on the development of dance skills and the motivation of high school students
7. Michaltsi M. (2008). Participation’s motives of foreigners at Greek traditional dance lessons
8. Baxevanos St. (2008). Participation’s motives of adult in traditional dance classes
- Filippou F., Harahoussou I., Kabitsis Ch., Koleta M. (2002-03). Dance and costume: From the tradition to the performance. Culture & Tradition (Canada) vol. 24/25, pp 107-112.
and costume: From the tradition to the performance. Culture & Tradition (Canada) vol. 24/25, pp 107-112. - Filippou F., Mavridis G., Rokka St., Harahoussou I., Harahoussou Th. (2003). «La femme et la danse dans la société grecque traditionnelle et contemporaine », e-jrieps no 4, pp54-65,
- Fillipou F., Goulimaris D., Serbezis V., Davoras D., Genti M. «Collective identity and dance in modern urban Greece». Accepted for publication for the journal «Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology».
- Filippou F., Serbezis V., Harahousou Y., Kabitsis Chr., Koleta M., Varsami D., Varsami H., Davoras D. (2006). «The Folk Dance as Theatrical Performance and the Training of Dance Teachers». Arts & Humanities in Higher Education. Vol. 5 (1), pp 51-63
- Filippou F., Goulimaris D., Mihaltsi M., Genti, M. «Dance and cultural tourism: The effect of demographic characteristics on foreign people's attendance in Greek traditional dancing courses». Accepted for publication for the journal Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism
- G. Mavridis, Filippou F., St. Rokka, E. Varsami, K. Gallis (2004). «Jeux dans la ville antique de Larissa : un exemple de Jeux régionaux dans l'Antiquité». Sport History Review, vol. 35, pp 138-150
- Φίλιππος Φιλίππου, Δημήτρης Γουλιμάρης, Βασίλης Σερμπέζης, Αθηνά Πίτση, & Μαρία Γεντή (2009). «Ο Ρόλος των Χορευτικών Συλλόγων στη Μετεξέλιξη της Ελληνικής Μουσικοχορευτικής Παράδοσης: Το Παράδειγμα του « Συγκαθιστού» Χορού του Βελβεντού Κοζάνης» Αναζητήσεις στη Φυσική Αγωγή & τον Αθλητισμό, τόμος 7 (1),
- Γουλιμάρης Δ., Φιλίππου Φ., Κώτης Μ. και Γεντή Μ. (2009). «Οι ανασταλτικοί παράγοντες συμμετοχής στους ελληνικούς παραδοσιακούς χορούς». Elepex, τόμος 2.
- Filippou, F., Tsitskari, E., Bebetsos, E., Goulimaris, D. (2019). Evaluating Dancers’ Participation Motives: The Use of the Greek Version of the BRSQ. Sport Mont Journal
- Masadis, Gr., Filippou, F., Derri, V., Mavridis, G., Rokka, St. (2019). Traditional Dances as a Means of Teaching Social Skills to Elementary School Students
International Journal of Instruction : 511-520 - Filippou, F., Rokka, S., Pitsi, A., Gargalianos, D., Bebetsos, E., Filippou, D.-A.(2018). Interdisciplinary Greek traditional dance learning: impact on student satisfaction and anxiety. International Journal of Instruction :11(3): 363-374
- Bebetsos, E., Filippou, F., Bebetsos, G. (2017). Athletes’ criticism of coaching behavior: Differences among gender, and type of sport.Polish Psychological Bulletin 48(1) 66–71
- Masadis, Gr., Filippou, F., Derri, V., Papaioannou, A. (2016). Validity of the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY II) in Greek Context.Sport Science, 9(2): 92-96.
- Kouderi, V., Filippou, F., Derri, V., Albanidis, E. (2016). Reliability and Validity of the Matson Evaluation of Social Skills with Youngsters (MESSY II) for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Sport Science, 9(2): 78-82.
- Goulimaris D., Filippou F. (2016). The Relation Between Participation Motives and Goal Orientation of Participants in Recreational Dance Activities.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 7(3): 302-308.
- Filippou, F. (2016). Constant progress of the “Arapides”- Niggers custom in Nikisiani, Kavala.Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 16(1): 245 – 251.
9. Filippou, F., Rokka, St., Mavridis, G. (2016). Examining the motives for participating in dance activities, using the “Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale” (PALMS).Sport Science, 9(1): 42-49. - Filippou, F. (2015). The effect of an interdisciplinary Greek traditional dance, history, and anthropology program on male and female students’ achievement goal orientations.
Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(3): 610 - 614 - Papaioannidou M., Derri V., Filippou F. (2015).The effect of interdisciplinary Greek traditional dance, history, and geography program on elementary students’ satisfaction and motivation. Sport Science 8 (2): 83‐90.
- Filippou, F. (2015). The first woman’s dancer improvisation in the area of Roumlouki (Alexandria) through the dance “Tis Marias”. Ethnologia, 6(b):1-24.
- Filippou, F. (2014). The role of the kinetic motif in determining the form and time of dance through the dance “Tis Marias”.Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 14 (1): 115 - 119
- Pitsi A., Filippou F. (2014). Dancing and music in symbiotic groups: the example of the Vlahs-Armani of Seli Imathias-Greece. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 14(2): 205 – 210.