- Mission and degrees
- General information
- Administration
- The Department's Sectors
- Support offices
- Staff
- Department Facilities
- Internal regulation of undergraduate curriculum
- Quality policy statement
- Undergraduate studies
- Undergraduate program of study
- Undergraduate course studies
- Diploma Supplement
- Regulation
- Study guide
- Course outline
- Postgraduate studies
- Doctoral studies
- Postdoctoral studies
- Intervarsity partnerships
- Physical Education and Exercise Laboratory
- Aim & Mission
- Organisational structure
- Research activity
- Cooperation with organisations and research centres
- Scientific Support and Guidance of Athletes
- Scientific Support and Evaluation of Athletes belonging to National Teams
- Cooperation with Sport Federations, Unions and Clubs
- Social outreach exercise programmes
- Research papers at undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. level
- Staff of the Physical Education and Exercise Laboratory
- Equipment of the Physical Education and Exercise Laboratory
- Therapeutic Exercise & Rehabilitation Division
- Recreation & Sports Tourism Division
- Biomechanics Division
- Clinical Exercise Physiology Division Division
- Motor Performance & Physical Education Division
- Physical Performance Division
- Research's morality & ethics
- 31th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- Past congress
- 30th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 29th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 28th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 27th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 26th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 25th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 24th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 23rd International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 22th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 21th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 20th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 19th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 18th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 17th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 16th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 15th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- 14th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport
- Programs
- Workshops
- Seminars
- Exercise & Society: Journal of Sports Science
- Journal: "Inquiries in Physical Education and Sport"
- Guidelines for Students Writing Dissertations
- Secretariat
- Eudoxus - Textbooks Management System
- DUTHNET eClass - Asynchronous Distance Learning System
- Webmail - Email Service of Democritus
- “Spyros Louis”, the D.P.E.S.S. Students’ Union
- Useful information