Personal Page of Douda Helen

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Full Name: Helen T. Douda
Title: Professor
Area of expertise: Applied Exercise Physiology in Health and Sports - Rhythmic Gymnastics
Sector: Sports Training Theory & Application
Laboratory: Physical Education & Exercise: Division of Clinical Exercise Physiology 
Telephone: +30 25310 39715
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office:  Β2-9 or Laboratory of  Clinical Exercise Physiology
Hours of listening students: Wednesday: 11:00 - 14:00 & Thursday: 11:00 - 14:00

Teaching subjects
Fall semester

  • N117 - Physiology
  • Ν114 - Gymnastics
  • N031 - RhythmicGymnastics
  • N436 - Methodology of Rhythmic Gymnasticsexercises
  • N438 - Planning an individual exercise routine
  • N439 - Practice in Rhythmic Gymnastics

Spring semester 

  • N437 - Technical preparation and Code of Points
  • N440 - Planning a group exercise routine
  • N165 - Workshop of scientific methodology on how to write a research report

Research interests 

  • Exercise Physiology in Health and Sport
  • Kinanthropometry - Body composition - Weight management
  • Exercise and Obesity
  • Exercise and Metabolic Syndrome
  • Exercise and cardiovascular function
  • Biological adaptations of exercise during growth
  • Rhythmic Gymnastics

Brief curriculum vitae


  • BSc degree, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Greece (1985) with specialized in Rhythmic Gymnastics
  • Ph.D. degree, Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, Greece (1998)
  • Certification in New Technologies and Multimedia (1992)

Member of Scientific Associations and Committees

  • Member of the European College of Sport Science «European College of Sports Science» from 1999 to today
  • Member of Pan-European Association for the Study Obesity (IASO)
  • Member of the Greek Medical Association for Obesity
  • Founding member of the Greek Society of Biochemistry and Physiology of Exercise
  • Founding member of the Greek Society of Physiology
  • Founding Member of the Association for the Support, Rehabilitation and Prevention of heart disease in  Rodopi


  • International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance" (IJSPP)
  • Journal of Adolescent Health (JAH)
  • Journal of Sports Sciences (JSS)
  • Journal of Sciences and Medicine in Sport (JSAMS)
  • Open Sports Sciences Journal (OSSJ)
  • European Psychomotricity Journal (EPJ)
  • Journal of Human Movement Studies
  • Perceptual and Motor Skills (PMS)
  • Biology of Sport
  • Kinesiology
  • Exercise & Society: Journal of Sport Science (ESJSS)
  • Woman and Sport
  • Inquiries in Sport and Physical Education (ISPE)

Funded Projects

Project Coordinator

  • Project entitled "The effect of diet and exercise in resting metabolic rate, body weight control and self-esteem of students in Secondary Education", conducted by the Democritus University of Thrace and Secondary Health Education Office of Rodopi. Duration of the project from 01/09/2009 to 31/08/2011.
  • Project entitled "Implementation a Network for Health Education in Secondary Education in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace: Lifelong exercise as a means of improving health and leisure involvement to students of Secondary Education" (European Union, Action 2.4.3.). Duration of the project from 09/01/2006 to 30/08/2007.
  • Project entitled: "Determination of fitness levels of children aged 6-12 years in Cyprus". European University of Cyprus-Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation. Duration of the project from 21/11/2005 to 21/11/2008.
  • Project entitled "Evaluation of fitness and training in relation to factors of the immune system of high level athletes" Main project "Heraclitus: Student research priority to basic research (European Union, Action 2.2.3.). Duration of the project from 11/08/2003 to 31/12/2006.


  • Project entitled: "Heraclitus II: Student research priority to basic research IN Democritus University of Thrace (European Union, Action 9). Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas P. Tokmakidis, Duration of the project from 01/9/2010 to 31/8/2015.
  • Project titled: "Students’ Internship in Democtirus University of Thrace’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. George Costa. European Union Support Framework of Education. Duration of the project from 01/09/2010 to 31/08/2015.
  • Project titled: "Courses of entrepreneurship in Democritus University of Thrace: Business Actions on Health and Exercise’’ Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Pantelis Botsaris. European Union Support Framework of Education. Duration of the project from 01/09/2006 to 31/08/2015.
  • Project entitled: "Response of the immune system depending on the coaching supplement". Main project "Heraclitus: Student research priority to basic research (European Union, Action 2.2.3.). Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas P. Tokmakidis, Duration of the project from 08/11/2003 to 30/9/2007.
  • Project entitled "Effect of power modulation in resistance exercise in metabolic and hormonal responses". Main project "Heraclitus: Student research priority to basic research (European Union, Action 2.2.3.).Project Coordinator: Associate Professor Theophilos Pilianidis. Duration of the project from 11/08/2003 to 15/05/2007.
  • Project entitled: "Cardiovascular disease and exercise: Effect of exercise on systemic vascular function (vascular) in patients with vascular disease". Main project ‘’PYTHAGORAS: Research Groups in Universities" (European Union, Action 2.2.). Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas P. Tokmakidis, Duration of the project from 1/1/2005 to 31/8/2008.
  • Project entitled "The influence of combined aerobic and resistance exercise to restore low-risk heart patients". Project Coordinator:  Professor Dr. Savvas P. Tokmakidis, European University of Cyprus - Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus, Duration of the project from 04/01/2007 to 4/4/2011.
  • Project entitled: "Sport Education: Evaluation of the effects of resistance training programs on competitive performance and health of athletes" within the context of PENEK. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas Tokmakidis. Duration of the project from 01/10/2004 to 30/10/2007.
  • Project entitled: "Reform of Undergraduate Education Course at the Democritus University of Thrace (Subproject 2): Reform of Undergraduate Program in the Department of Physical Education and Sport’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Kyriakos Taxildaris. Duration of the project from 01/06/2003 to 08/31/2007.
  • Project titled: "Students’ Internship in Democtirus University of Thrace - Phase II: Internship of Physical Education Students of Democtirus University of Thrace - Improvement of health and fitness of the population’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas Tokmakidis. European Union Support Framework of Education (Subprogram 3.4.b). Duration of the project from 09/01/2001 to 31/12/2005.
  • Project entitled "Graduate Program - Activity and Quality of Life." Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. George Mavromatis. Duration of the project from 01/09/2002 to 31/08/2010.Project entitled ‘’Development of job positions and innovative applications of physical activity for health promotion’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas Tokmakidis. European Union Support Framework, (Categories 3.1.2.b).  Duration of the project from 1/9/2005 to 30/9/2008.
  • Project entitled "Graduate Studies: Human Performance and Health of the Departments of Physical Education and Sports Science of the University of Aristotle, of Democritus University of Thrace and University of Thessaly’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Kyriakos Taxildaris. Duration of the project from 09.01.2000 to 31.12.2003.
  • Project entitled: "Postgraduate studies at the Democritus University of Thrace (Task 3) - Exercise and Quality of Life". Ministry of Education - European Union, Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. George Mavromatis. Duration of the project from 09/01/2001 to 31/12/2003.
  • Project entitled "National System of football talent, funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology and Greek Football Federation (Action on Sport)’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Kyriakos Taxildaris. Duration of the project from 01/03/2003 to 31/08/2004.
  • Project titled: "Students’ Internship in Democtirus University of Thrace - Phase III’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas P. Tokmakidis. European Community Support Framework of Education. Duration of the project from 07/22/2005 to 09/30/2008.
  • Project titled: "Students’ Internship in Democtirus University of Thrace: Exercise programmes in factory workers and people with chronic diseases in order to improve their physical fitness and health’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas P. Tokmakidis. Ministry of Education, European Union-Support Framework of Education (Subprogram 3.4.b). Duration of the project from 01/21/1998 to 03/31/2000.
  • Project entitled: "Exercise as a means of improving health, increasing productivity and leisure time’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas P. Tokmakidis. Ministry of Education, European Union-Support Framework of Education (Subprogram 3.4.g - 3.3.). Duration of the project from 26/05/1998 to 30/04/2000.
  • Project entitled: "A comparative study of physiological and psychomotor characteristics of Rhythmic Gymnastics athletes’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas Tokmakidis.  Duration of the project from 26/10/1994 to 30/10/1996.
  • Project entitled: "Evaluation of the educational development of students of Physical Education in Democritus University of Thrace in the last five years, to identify factors that contribute to it". Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. George Mavromatis. Duration of the project from 03/01/1993 to 31/07/1995.
  • Project entitled: "Scientific support of athletes’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Asterios Deligiannis. Promoter of the project: Special Secretariat for Sports of Macedonia and Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of Aristotle University, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of University of Thessaly, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of Serres. Duration of the project from 1998 to 2000.
  • Project entitled: "Graduate Studies: Human Performance and Health’’, Departments of Physical Education and Sports Science of University of Aristotle, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science of University of Thessaly. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr.  Kyriakos Taxildaris. Duration of the project from 09/01/2001 to 31/12/2003.
  • Project entitled: "ADAPT project: Business Information for education staff’’. Project Coordinator: Commercial and Industrial Chamber of Rodopi. Duration of the project from 1995 to 1997.
  • Project entitled: "Students’ Internship in Democtirus University of Thrace - Phase I: Internship of Physical Education Students of Democtirus University of Thrace to improve health and fitness of the population’’. Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Savvas Tokmakidis. Community Support Framework of Education (Subprogram 3.4.b). Duration of the project from  01/01/2000 to 31/08/2001


 Savvaki D., Taousani E., Goulis D.G., Tsirou E., Voziki E., Douda H., Nikolettos N., Tokmakidis S.P. (2018). Guidelines for exercise during normal pregnancy and gestational diabetes: a review of international recommendations, 17(4):521-529. doi: 10.1007/s42000-018-0085-6.

Kosmidou, S.P., Batsiou, S.A., Douda, H.T., Antoniou, P.D. (2017). Factors affecting chronic pain in people with spinal cord injury. Arch Hellen Med, 34(3), 373-382.

Themistocleous I.-C., Stefanakis M., Douda H. (2017). Coronary Heart Disease Part II: Role of Physiotherapy, PANR Journal, April 29, 2017,

Themistocleous I.-C., Stefanakis M., Douda H. (2017). Coronary Heart Disease Part I: Pathophysiology and Risk Factors. PANR Journal, April 29, 2017,

Nikolaidis P.T., Gkoudas K., Afonso J., Clemente-Suarez V., Knechtle B., Kasabalis S., Kasabalis A., Douda H., Tokmakidis S. & Torres-Luque G. (2016). Who jump the highest? Anthropometric and physiological correlations of vertical jump in youth elite female volleyball players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. May 3. [Epub ahead of print]

Theodorou A.A., Panayiotou G., Volaklis K.A., Douda H.T., Paschalis V., Nikolaidis M.G., Smilios I., Toubekis A., Kyprianou D., Papadopoulos I. & Tokmakidis S.P. (2016). Aerobic, resistance and combined training and detraining on body composition, muscle strength, lipid profile and inflammation in coronary artery disease patients. Research in Sports Medicine, 2016 Jun 3:1-14.

Antoniades O., Douda H.T., Papazoglou D. & Tokmakidis S.P. (2016). Prevalence of hypertension and determinants of cardiac function in overweight and obese children and adolescents. PANR Journal, February 9.

Kastanias V.T., Douda H.T., Batsiou A.S. & Tokmakidis S.P. (2015). Effects of aerobic exercise on health-related indicators in individuals with intellectual disability with or without the Down syndrome. PANR Journal, September 15.

Volaklis K.A., Smilios I., Spassis AT., Zois C.E., Douda H.T., Halle M. & Tokmakidis S.P. (2015). Acute Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Responses to Resistance Exercise in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Pilot Study. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 14: 91-97.

Douda H.T., Kosmidou K.V., Smilios I., Volaklis K.A. & Tokmakidis S.P. (2015). Community-Based Training-Detraining Intervention in Older Women: A 5-year Follow-Up Study. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 23, 496 -512.

Tokmakidis S.P., Touvra A.-M., Douda H.T., Smilios I., Kotsa K. & Volaklis K.A. (2014). Training, Detraining, and Retraining Effects on Glycemic Control and Physical Fitness in Women with Type 2 Diabetes. Horm Metab Res, 46:974-979. DOI 10.1055/s-0034-1390483.

Sotiropoulos, K., Smilios, I., Douda, H., Christou, M. & Tokmakidis, S.P. (2014). Contrast Loading: Power Output and Rest Interval Effects on Neuromuscular Performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 9(3):567-574.

Smilios, I., Sotiropoulos, K., Christou, M., Douda, H., Spaias, A.& Tokmakidis, S.P. (2013). Maximum power training load determination and its effects on load-power relationship, maximum strength, and vertical jump performance. J Strength Cond Res, 27 (5): 1223-1233.

Toubekis, A.G., Drosou, E., Gourgoulis, V., Thomaidis, S., Douda, H., Tokmakidis, S.P.(2013). Competitive performance, training load and physiological responses during tapering in young swimmers. Journal of Human Kinetics, 38(1): 125-134.

Christodoulos A.D., Douda H.T. & Tokmakidis S.P. (2012). Cardiorespiratory Fitness,Metabolic Risk, and Inflammation in Children. International Journal of Pediatrics, Article ID 270515, 6 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/270515.

Tsalis G., Toubekis A.G., Michailidou D., Gourgoulis V., Douda H., Tokmakidis S.P. (2012). Physiological responses and stroke-parameter changes during interval swimming in different age-group female swimmers. J Strength Cond Res, 26(12): 3312-3319.

Karakiriou S., Douda H.T., Smilios I., Volaklis K. & Tokmakidis S.P. (2011). Vibration and Exercise Training Effects on Bone Mineral Density and Muscle Strength in Postmenopausal Women. ECSS Journal, 12(1):81-88.

Toubekis, A.G., Vasilaki, A., Douda, H., Gourgoulis, V. & Tokmakidis, S. (2011). Physiological responses during interval training at relative to critical velocity intensity in young swimmers. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 14 (4): 363-368.

Toubekis, A.G., Tsami, A.P., Smilios, I.G., Douda, H.T. & Tokmakidis, S.P. (2011). Training-induced changes on blood lactate profile and critical velocity in young swimmers. J Strength Cond Res, 25 (6): 1563-1570.

Karamanolis, I.A., Laparidis, K.S., Volaklis, K.A., Douda, H.T. & Tokmakidis, S.P. (2011). The Effects of Pre-Exercise Glycemic Index Food on Running Capacity. InternationalJournalofSportsMedicine, 32: 666-671.

Touvra, A.-M., Volaklis, K.A., Spassis, A.T., Zois, C.E., Douda, H.T., Kotsa, K. & Tokmakidis, S.P. (2011). Combined strength and aerobic training increases transforming growth factor-β1 in patients with type 2 diabetes. Hormones, 10 (2): 125-130.

Toubekis, A.G., Adam, G.V., Douda, H.T., Antoniou, P.D., Douroundos, I.I. & Tokmakidis, S.P. (2011). Repeated sprint swimming performance after low- or high-intensity active and passive recoveries. J Strength Cond Res, 25 (1): 109-116.

SotiropoulosK., SmiliosI., ChristouM., BarzoukaK., SpaiasA., DoudaH.& Tokmakidis S.P.  (2010). Effects of warm-up on vertical jump performance and muscle electrical activity using half-squats at low and moderate intensity. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 9(2): 326-331.

ThomaidisS., ToubekisA., MpousmoukiliaS., DoudaH., AntoniouP., TokmakidisS. (2009). Alterations in maximal inspiratory mouth pressure during a 400-m maximum effort front-crawl swimming trial. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, Jun;49(2): 194-200.

Zois E.Ch., Tokmakidis S.P., Volaklis K.A., Kotsa K., Touvra A.M., Douda H.T., Yovos I.G. (2009). Lipoprotein profile, glycemic control and physical fitness after strength and aerobic training in post-menopausal women with type 2 diabetes. Eur J Appl Physiol, 106(6): 901-907.

Mantzouranis N., Douda H., Pilianidis T., Tokmakidis S.P (2009). Comparison of IOTF cutoffs, CDC growth charts and Z-BMI scores in the prevalence of childhood obesity. The Greek Obesity and Lifestyle Study. Pediatrics, 72: 41-45.

Toubekis A.G., Tsolaki A., Smilios I., Douda H.T., Kourtesis Th., Tokmakidis S.P. (2008). Passive rest and a five or ten minute active recovery after 100-m swimming on subsequent performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 3(3): 375-386.

Douda H.Τ., Toubekis A., Avloniti A., Smilios I., Tokmakidis S. (2008). Physiological and anthropometric determinants of rhythmic gymnastics performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 3: 41-54.

Douda H.Τ., Avloniti A., Kasabalis A., & Tokmakidis S.P. (2007). Adaptations on Physical Performance Characteristics after a 6-month specific training in Rhythmic Gymnasts, Medical Problems of Artistic Performing, 22(1): 10-17.

Avloniti A.A., Douda H.T., Tokmakidis S.P., Kortsaris A.H., Papadopoulou E.G, & Spanoudakis E.P. (2007). Acute effects of soccer training on white blood cell count in elite female players, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2: 239-249.

PilianidisTh., MarigliH., Douda H., MantzouranisN., SmiliosI., Tokmakidis S.P.(2007). Reliability and Validity of a modified field test for the evaluation of aerobic performance. International Journal of Founadamental and Applied Kinesiology, 39(2): 113-188.

Douda H., Avloniti A., Kasabalis A., Smilios I., & Tokmakidis S. (2006). Application of ratings of perceived exertion and physiological responses to maximal effort in rhythmic gymnasts. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 18(2):78-88.

Christodoulos A., Douda H., Polykratis M., Tokmakidis S. (2006). Attitudes towards exercise and physical activity behaviors in Greek schoolchildren after a year-long intervention on Health Education, Br J Sports Med, 40(4):367-371.

Volaklis K., Douda H., Kokkinos P., Tokmakidis S. (2006). Physiological alterations to detraining following prolonged combined strength and aerobic training in cardiac patients, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, 13(3):375-80.

Kasabalis A., Douda H., Tokmakidis S. (2005). Relationship between anaerobic power and jumping of selected male volleyball players of different ages, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 100: 607-614.

Toubekis A., Douda H., Tokmakidis S. (2005). Influence of different rest intervals during active or passive recovery on repeated sprint swimming performance, Eur J Appl. Physiol., 93:694-700.

Kasabalis A., Douda H., Volaklis K., Pilianidis Th. (2005). Energy Requirements of Elite Volleyball Players in Training and Competition, Journal of Human Movement Studies, 48(5): 365-378.

Tokmakidis S., Kokkinidis E., Smilios I., Douda H. (2003). The effects of ibuprofen on delayed muscle soreness and muscular performance after eccentric exercise. J Strength Cond Res, 17(1): 53-59.

Douda H., Tokmakidis S., Tsigilis N. (2002). Effects of specific training on muscle strength and flexibility of rhythmic sports and artistic female gymnasts, Coaching & Sport Science Journal, 4 (1): 23-27.

Douda H., Laparidis K., Tokmakidis S. (2002). Long-term training induces specific adaptations on physique of rhythmic sports and female artistic gymnasts, European Journal of Sport Science, 2(3):1-14.

Tsigilis N., Douda H., Tokmakidis S. (2002). Test-retest reliability of the Eurofit test battery administered to university students. Percept Mot Skills, 95: 1295-1300.

PilianidisTh., DoudaH., SmiliosI., NikolaidisK., TsarouchasE., TokmakidisS. (2002). Changes in Muscular Flexibility and Performance During an Ultramarathon Race. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 43: 417-427.