Personal Page of Papadimitriou Katerina

papadimitriou Full Name: Katerina Papadimitriou
Title: Associate Professor
Area of expertise: Coaching with emphasis on the technical and tactical data analysis of team sports
Sector: Sports Training Theory & Application
Telephone: +30 25310 39717
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Office: Β3-2
Office hours for the students: Tuesday: 12:00-13:30

Teaching subjects
Fall semester: 

-(N315) New Technologies in Sport

-(N131) Soccer

-Part of the teaching subject “Research Methods”

Spring semester:

-(Ν098) Mini-Basketball

-(Ν141) Didactic of Soccer

-Part of the teaching subject “Athletic Performance Assessment Laboratory” (N148-247)

Research interests

  • Performance analysis in sport.
  • Analysis of technical and tactical analysis in sport (Olympics and Paralympics sports).
  • Improving the quality of epployees's life through exercise and "stop smoking"  programs.

Brief curriculum vitae

  • 1986-1991: Degree of Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
  • 1992-1994 :Master of Science in Coaching, Department of Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia.
  • 1995-1998 : Ph.D. in Physical Education (Thesis: Models of technical and tactical behavior of different level basketball players), Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace.

Research experience: 

  • Teaching at the Postgraduate Program of Studies "Sports and Quality of Life" of the Department of Physical Education and Sport of the Democritus University of Thrace and the University of Thessaly. Participation (4 lectures) in the course "New technologies in the training process" and in the course "Maximizing sports performance or performance" (1 lecture).
  • 1 st Meeting of Complex Systems and Sport, 4th International Conference on Computer Science in Sport organized by the Instituto Nacional d 'Educacio Fisica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, May 14-17, 2003. Suggestion: "Video analysis in the assessment of the volleyball stetter's competitive behavior ».
  • 9th International Congress of Physical Education and Sport, organized by the Teaching Hospital of Athens (TEFAA), in Komotini from 17-19 May 2002. Title of the Seminar: "Application of Video Analysis Methods". Suggestion: "Design of the competition observation".
  • 1st Symposium of Team Coaching organized by the Union of Nordic Workers in Thessaloniki from November 16-17, 2002. Title of the Seminar: "Basketball". Suggestion: "Video Analysis: Beyond Simple Strategy".
  • 10th International Congress of Physical Education and Sport, organized by the Teaching and Research Center of Teaching Staff, DTT, in Komotini from 18-20 May 2001. Title of the Seminar: "Application of Video Analysis Methods". Suggestion: "Design of the competition observation".
  • Reviewer: Sport and Society, Athletic Science Magazine, Physical Education and Sports, Women and Sports, Perceptual and Motor Skills.

Research activities: 

Participation in research projects: 

  1. Scientific Associates in the project: «Organization of Physical Education Program in Elementary Education: jumping ability and its assessment (PRENED). Financing by PRENED-97. Duration of the project: one (1) year. Completion time: May 2000. Scientific Supervisor of the project: Taxildaris Kyriakos, Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace.
  2. Scientific Associates in the project«Curriculum reformation of the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace (EPEAEK- reformation.
  3. Scientific Associates in the project: «Students practice in employees and people with special needs from hospitals, institutes and schools, in order to improve their physical condition and health». Financing by: Community support Framework (E.P.E.A.E.K.: Student’s internships). Duration of the project: four years (4). Completion time: August 2001. Supervisor of the project: Savvas Tokmakidis, Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace.
  4. Scientific Associates in the project: Reformation of the studies program of the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace. Community support: E.P.E.A.E.K. Duration of the project: two (2) years. Completion time: December 1999. Supervisor of the project: Taxildaris Kyriakos, Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace.
  5. Scientific Associates in the project: “National soccer talents system”. Community support: Γ.Γ.Ε.Τ.-Ε.Π.Ο. (Action for Sport). Duration of the project: Eighteen (18) months. Completion time: August 2004. Supervisor of the project: Taxildaris Kyriakos, Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace.
  6. Scientific Associates in the project: Reformation of the studies program of the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace- Complete of the enlargement and reformation of the studies programs. Community support: E.P.E.A.E.K. II, 2.2.2.a. “Reformation of the graduate studies program, Department of Physical Education & Sport Science”. Completion time: December 2006. Supervisor of the project: Taxildaris Kyriakos, Professor, Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace.
  7. Supervisor of the project: ‘’Evaluation of eating habits and physical activity and prevention of nutritional and musculoskeletal disorders in miners’’. Community support: Hellas Gold A.E. Completion time: April 2018.
  8. Scientific Associates in the project: "Improving functionality through tourism”. Community support: ERASMUS+KA2. Completion time: Januari 2019. Supervisor of the project: Malliou Paraskevi, Professor of the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace.


1. Time course changes in hand grip strength performance and hand position sense in climbing. Matsouka, O., Nani, S., Papadimitriou, K., Astrapellos, K., Beneka, A., & Malliou, P. (2019).Journal of Human Sport and Exercisein press, 1.

2. Statistical methods in performance analysis: an example from international soccer. O’Donoghue P., Papadimitriou Κ., Gourgoulis V., Haralambis X. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2012, 12, 144-155. 

3. Computer analysis of the technical and tactical effectiveness in Greek Beach Volleyball. Michalopoulou M., Papadimitriou K., Lignos N., Taxildaris K., Antoniou P. InternationalJournalPerformanceanalysisinSport, 2005, 5 (1), 41-50(10).

4. Comparison between girls and boys regarding their attitudes towards the subject of Olympic education Papadimitriou K., Derri V., Sermaki I., Papas M., & Taxildaris KJournal of Movement Studies, 2005, 48:257-279.

5. Evaluation of the attack effectiveness after the serve reception and the defence. Zetou E., Papadimitriou K., Pashali E., Gourgoulis V. Journal of Police Academy, 2004, 4(1), 151-173.

6. Τhe effect of the opponents’ serves on the offensive actions of Greek setters in volleyball games. Papadimitriou K., Pashali E., Sermaki I., Mellas S., & Papas M. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 2004, 4(1), 23-33(11).

7. Video analysis in the assessment the volley ball setter’s competitive behavior. Papadimitriou K., Aggelousis Ν., Antoniou P., Melas S., Taxildaris InternationalJournalComputerScienceinSport, 2003, 2(1), 166-168.

8. Evaluation of the offensive behavior of high level soccer teams. Papadimitriou K., Aggelousis N., Derri V. Mixalopoulou M., Papas M.Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2001, 93, 405-415.

9. Factors characterizing the offensive game of the playmaker position in basketball. Taxildaris K., Papadimitriou K., Alexopoulos P., Fatouros I., Kambas A., Karipidis A., Aggelousis N., Barbas I., Journal of Human Movement Studies, 40, 2001, 405-421.

10. Defensive actions of finalist soccer teams in 18th world cup in France.Papadimitriou K.,Taxildaris K., Alexopoupos P., Mavromatis G., Papas M.. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 2001, 41:125-139.

11. Defensive actions of finalist soccer teams in 18th world cup in France Papadimitriou K.,Taxildaris K., Alexopoupos P., Mavromatis G., Papas M.. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 2001, 41:125-139.

12. Evaluation of the offensive behavior of high level soccer teams. Papadimitriou K., Aggelousis N., Derri V. Mixalopoulou M., Papas M. Perceptual and Motor Skills,2001, 93, 405-415.

13. Factors characterizing the offensive game of the playmaker position in basketball. Taxildaris K., Papadimitriou K., Alexopoulos P., Fatouros I., Kambas A., Karipidis A., Aggelousis N., Barbas I., 2001. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 40, 2001, 405-421.

14. Differentiation of parameters for the rhythmic ability among young tennis players, basketball players and swimmers.Zachopoulou E., Mantis K., Serbezis V. Theodosiou A, Papadimitriou K. European Journal of Physical Education, 2000, 5, 2, 220-230.

15.  Profile of different level basketball centers.Papadimitriou K.,. Taxildaris K, Derri V., Mantis K. Journal of Human Movement Studies, 1999, 37:87-105.