Personal Page of Agelousis Nikolaos
- Details
- Last Updated: Wednesday, 23 October 2019 09:15
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Full Name: | Agelousis Nikolaos |
Title: | Professor | |
Area of expertise: | Biomechanics | |
Sector: | Sports Training Theory & Application | |
Laboratory: | - | |
Telephone: | +30 25310 39645 | |
E-mail: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |
URL: | ||
Office: | Β3-9 | |
Hours of listening students: | Tue: 13:00-15:00, Thu: 12:00-14:00 |
Teaching subjects
Fall semester:
N311 Sport Biomechanics
N331 Exercise in Specific diseases
Spring semester:
N127 Biomechanics
N148 Laboratory Assessment of Sport Performance
N333 Functional Anatomy and Mechanics of Movement
Research interests
- Mobility problems in neurological diseases (Parkinson's disease, stroke, dementia, cerebral palsy)
- Musculoskeletal aging: exercise for mobility and health
- Musculoskeletal assessment: optimising performance, reducing joint loading and preventing musculoskeletal injuries in sport and exercise
- Muscle and tendon in vivo function and implications for performance
Brief curriculum vitae
- 1996 – Ph.D. in Biomechanics and Motor Control, Department of Physical Education ans Sport, Democritus University of Thrace.
- 1989 – B.Sc. in Physical Education and Sport, Department of Physical Education ans Sport, Democritus University of Thrace.
Research experience:
- Coordinator or team member of 19 grants that totaled more than 2.500.000 euros (1992 – present)
- Research Supervision experience (over 35 PhD and MSc completions)
Publications (selected):
- Pentidis., N., Mersmann, F., Bohm, S., Giannakou, E., Aggelousis, N. and Arampatzis, A. (2019). Triceps Surae Muscle-Tendon Unit Properties in Preadolescent Children: A Comparison of Artistic Gymnastic Athletes and Non-athletes. Frontiers in Physiology, 10:615.
- Fotiadou, S., Kouroumichakis, I., Besios, T., Papanas, N., Giannakou, E., Gourgoulis, V. and Aggeloussis, N. (2019). Effect of Exercise on Gait Mechanics in a Patient with Severe Gait Disorder Due to Chronic Ischaemic Stroke: A Case Study. Neuroscience & Medicine , 10, 323-330.
- Gourgoulis, V., Valkoumas, I., Boli, A., Aggeloussis, N., Antoniou, P. (2019). Effect of an 11-week in-water training program with increased resistance on the swimming performance and the basic kinematic characteristics of the front crawl stroke. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 33(1): 95–103.
- Besios, Th., Aggeloussis, N., Gourgoulis, V., Mauromatis, G., Tzioumakis, Y., Comoutos, N. (2018). Effects of the Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT) on the Mobility of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 6, 95-103.
- Giannakou E., Aggeloussis N., Gourgoulis V., Fotiadou S.,Kalivas V., Mavrommatis G. (2018).Repeatability of lower leg mechanics during gait in Parkinson’s disease. European Psychomotricity Journal, 10(1):27-37.
- Fotiadou, S., Aggeloussis, N., Gourgoulis, V., Malliou, P., Papanas, N., Giannakou, E., Iliopoulos, I., Vadikolias, K., Terzoudi, A., Piperidou, X, (2018). Reproducibility of stroke kinematics and kinetics in chronic stroke patients. Neurorehabilitation, 42, 53-61.
- Stordopoulos, D., Giannakou, E., Manaveli, P., Barbas, I., Gourgoulis, V. & Aggeloussis, N. (2016). Reliability of Lower Limb Kinematics during the Arm-Throw Wrestling Technique, International Journal of Wrestling Science, 6(2), 67-73.
- Gourgoulis, V., Boli, A., Aggeloussis, N., Antoniou, P., Toubekis, A., Mavromatis, G. (2015). The influence of the hand’s acceleration and the relative contribution of drag and lift forces in front crawl swimming. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(7), 696-712
- Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Mavridis G., Boli A., Kasimatis P., Vezos N., Toubekis A., Antoniou P., Mavrommatis G. (2013). Acute effect of front crawl sprint resisted swimming on the propulsive forces of the hand. Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 29(1), 98-104.
- Besios Th., Aggeloussis N., Gourgoulis V., Batsiou S. (2013). Comparative Reliability of the PEDI, GMFM and TUG Tests for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 25, 73-76.
- Giannakou E., Aggeloussis N., Arampatzis A. (2011). Reproducibility of gastrocnemius medialis muscle architecture during treadmill running. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 21(6), 1081-1086.
- Aggeloussis N., Giannakou E., Albracht K., Arampatzis A. (2010). Reproducibility of fascicle length and pennation angle of gastrocnemius medialis in human gait in vivo. Gait & Posture, 31(1), 73-77.
- Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Garas Ath., Mavromatis G. (2009). Unsuccessful vs successful performance in snatch lifts: a kiniatic approach. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 (2), 486–494.
- Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Kasimatis P., Vezos N., Antoniou P., Mavromatis G. (2009). The influence of hand paddles on the arm coordination in fiale front crawl swimmers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23 (3), 735-740.
- Venetsanou F., Kambas., Aggeloussis N., Fatouros I., Taxildaris K.(2009) Motor assessment of preschool aged children: A preliminary investigation of the validity of the Bruininks–Oseretsky test of motor proficiency – Short form. Human Movement Science, 28(4), 543-550.
- Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Vezos N., Kasimatis P., Antoniou P., Mavromatis G. (2008). Estimation of hand forces and propelling efficiency during front crawl swimming with hand paddles. Journal of Biomechanics, 41, 208 – 215.
- Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Vezos N., Antoniou P., Mavromatis G. (2008). Hand orientation in hand paddle swimming. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 29, 429 – 434.
- Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Kasimatis P., Vezos N., Boli A., Mavromatis G. (2008). Reconstruction accuracy in underwater three dimensional kiniatic analysis. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11, 90-95.
- Aggeloussis N., Gourgoulis V., Sertsou M., Giannakou E., Mavromatis G. (2007). Repeatability of electromyographic waveforms during the naeryo chagi in tae-kwon-do. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 6(CSSI-2), 6-9.
- Aggeloussis N. (2007). Myoelectrical factors of performance improvient in percussive motor skills. Personality, Motivation & Sport, 12, 289-299.
- Vezos N., Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Kasimatis P., Christoforidis Ch., Mavromatis G. (2007). Underwater stroke kiniatics during breathing and breath-holding front crawl swimming. Journal of Sport Science and Medicine, 6, 58-62.
- Gourgoulis V., Aggeloussis N., Vezos N., Mavromatis G. (2006). Effect of two different sized hand paddles on the front crawl stroke kiniatics. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 46(2), 232-237.
- Beneka A., Aggeloussis N., Giannakopoulos K., Godolias G. (2006). Identifying and treating rotator cuff imbalances. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 28(2), 92-95.
- Kambas A., Aggeloussis N. (2006). Construct validity of the Bruininks-Oseretsky test of Motor Profiency-Short Form for a sample of Greek preschool and primary school children. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 102, 65-72.
- Farouros I., Kambas A., Katrabasas I., Leontsini D., Chatzinikolaou A., Jamurtas A., Douroudos I., Aggelousis N., Taxildaris K. (2006). Resistance training and detraining effects on flexibility performance in the elderly are intensity-dependent. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(3), 634-642.